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Set Plans for Star Trek: The Next Generation
by Greg Tyler
September 17, 2005
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Some years ago I purchased Star Trek: The Next Generation set plans from an online seller. The blueprint sheets are quite large, and thus difficult to scan with home equipment, so I present them here as digital photographs. To preserve bandwidth, I have been forced to make the images relatively small and low in resolution compared to the detail offered by the full-sized sheets.
The handwritten notes and callouts on the blueprints are not easily legible in these low-resolution images, so I have overlaid the handwritten notes and callouts with black annotations. Blue annotations provide additional information that may be useful to persons interested in the layouts of the TNG sets.
NOTE: It is well known that many of TNG's Stage 9 standing sets shared both components and locations of the Stage 9 standing sets for Star Trek: Phase II and the first four Star Trek feature films. An analysis of this may be added in a future update to this article. It is well known that components and locations of many of TNG's Stage 8 and Stage 9 standing sets were reused for the Stage 8 and Stage 9 standing sets of Star Trek: Voyager. An analysis of this may be added in a future update to this article.
Stage 9
Stage 9 housed many standing sets, including but not limited to:
- Holodeck -- The "blank" holodeck with the gridded walls was assembled as needed within the space allocated for the cargo bay and shuttlebay sets.
- Cargo Bays and Shuttlebays -- A single set represented every cargo bay and shuttlebay aboard the Enterprise-D. The set was also redressed to represent a variety of other areas of the ship, such as the phaser range and gymnasium.
- Sick Bay -- Room in which the "biobeds" were located. During TNG's first season, Sick Bay and the Observation Lounge were redresses of the same set. Prior to the second season, most of the set's walls were moved to Stage 8, where they were assembled into a dedicated set for the Observation Lounge. A new Sick Bay set was constructed in the same space that had been used by the shared set in season one.
- Medical Office -- Doctor Crusher's office, near Sick Bay.
- Waiting Area -- Foyer that connected Doctor Crusher's office with Sick Bay.
- Living Quarters -- A single set represented the quarters of several crew members, such as Data, Worf, and Geordi. Two versions of the set existed. The original version is highlighted in episodes such as "The Schizoid Man." The later version, shown in the blueprint below, is highlighted in episodes such as "In Theory."
- Transporter Room -- A single set represented all personnel transporter rooms aboard the Enterprise-D.
- Lab -- A tiny lab adjacent to the Waiting Area. This set was where Lore was assembled in "Datalore." One of its entrances also acted as the entrance to the unseen Weapons Room in "11001001."
- Engine Room -- Often referred to as Main Engineering, this set had two major sections: a multi-level section surrounding the warp core, and a single-level section that housed the large cutaway diagram of the Enterprise-D, as well as the "pool table" set prop. This section of the set was often redressed to serve as a wide, stright corridor.
- Engineer's Office -- This set was adjacent to the Engine Room, and it had a curved window that provided a view of the warp core. This set was where Wesley took control of the Enterprise-D in "Where No One Has Gone Before."
- Jefferies Tube -- In later seasons, a Jefferies Tube set was constructed and commonly positioned adjacent to the Engine Room set.
A variety of other sets occupied Stage 9 from time to time, including but not limited to:
- Battle Bridge -- This set was located more or less in the "corner" of Stage 9 near the Engine Room and Jefferies Tube sets.
- Banquet Room -- The room in which Deanna Troi instructed her parents and prospective parents-in-law to stop their petty bickering in "Haven." The set was built across the corridor from the Transporter Room.

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Stage 8
Stage 8 housed many standing sets, including but not limited to:
- Bridge -- Like most sets on Stage 8, the Bridge set was not constructed largely from set components of Star Trek: Phase II or the Star Trek feature films. The ceiling window looking into space was made by positioning a hollow tube atop the window. The inner surface of the tube was made to resemble a starfield. If a person stood immediately below the window and looked straight up, he or she would see through the tube.
- Captain's Ready Room -- This set was located adjacent to the Bridge, as seen in the series.
- Observation Lounge (a.k.a., Conference Lounge) -- As previously stated, this set was built prior to the second season of the series. During the first season, the Observation Lounge and Sick Bay were redresses of a common set on Stage 9. In the series, the Observation Lounge is depicted as being located behind the Bridge, and being accessible from the Bridge via a short corridor. The two sets were never positioned or connected in this way, as shown in the blueprint.
- Living Quarters -- A single set represented the quarters of several crew members, such as Picard, Riker, and Troi.
- Ten Forward -- This set was constructed prior to the second season. It was Herman Zimmerman's last major contribution to ST:TNG.

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